Privacy Policy

The main purpose of this Personal Data Protection Policy is to inform you about the commitments adopted by ABC Escolar regarding the Protection of Personal Data, under the terms and in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of Personal Data and the free movement of such data. This policy and the commitments assumed therein are based on the General Data Protection Regulation.

In accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation on Personal Data EU No. 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) on the protection of personal data, we hereby inform you of the following information:

Who is responsible for the data?

Various Solutions NIF 513908226
Professor Dr. Carlos Lloyd Street 40, 4715-319 Braga.

Duly represented by its administrator Jorge Vieira, who declares to comply with and undertakes to comply with the provisions of the aforementioned regulation regarding the protection of personal data and the protection of privacy in the automated or non-automated communications sector, through the processing of personal data, committing to keep them completely confidential.

What is the purpose of data processing?

  1. Manage customer data to send promotional and advertising information carried out by Diversa Soluções, with the aim of providing services and establishing supply contracts for its products.
  2. Carry out market studies and analyze customer profiles, with the aim of making the purchasing experience more functional, ensuring customer satisfaction and the completion of contracts.
  3. Communicate with customers on behalf of the departments involved in order management (commercial / logistics / financial), with a view to complying with commercial and tax obligations.

Diversa Soluções may use customer data through the following means:

  • Email
  • Postal mail
  • Phone calls
  • Sending SMS's
  • Cross-platform messaging (chat, WhatsApp, Messenger, others)

Rationale and underlying logic

The communication of customers' personal data constitutes a necessary condition for the contracting and satisfaction of their needs, without which the intended commercial relationship is impossible, namely for the fulfillment of inherent tax obligations, and for the full satisfaction of customers.

Data retention

Customers' personal data will be kept by Diversa Soluções in a way that allows their identification only for the period necessary for the purposes for which they are processed;

Customer rights:

  • To withdraw the consent granted at any time, as long as it does not compromise the lawfulness of the processing carried out with prior consent.
  • Access your data;
  • Request data rectification;
  • Request the deletion or erasure of data;
  • Present opposition to the processing of data;
  • Request the limitation of your processing;
  • The portability of personal data;

You may exercise your right with regard to the processing of your personal data by sending an email to, indicating in the subject line 'Exercise of rights' or by sending a written communication to the address mentioned above. Your request must include the date, name and surname, the specific request and the address for notification purposes. In order to dispel any doubts regarding the identity of the person making the request, we ask that you send us a copy of your passport or similar identification document in order to confirm your identity.