Psychomotricity kit 1
Psychomotor kit 1 offers many opportunities to create your own obstacle course. During the exercise, children consecutively overcome the obstacles placed in front of them, taking into account the clues (e.g. walking on all fours, doing three jumps).
The set gives you the ability to crawl, jump, throw, swing. Structures are always an attractive form of physical activity for children. Depending on the layout of the elements, the game can be focused on the development of a specific motor skill or on the general development of the child.
Overcoming this activity path develops perception, sequential thinking and stimulates the senses. Depending on the rules adopted, the game teaches cooperation and fair competition. Ideal for stimulating sports practice and developing motor coordination.
The child gradually adapts his/her actions to specific environments and varied objects. Increasing his/her repertoire of movements thought out, internalized and expressed as a response to the challenges encountered. Performing basic motor actions of exploration and mastering portable devices allows the child to explore the relationship between the body and objects moving in space. In this way, he/she uses the hands and feet, as well as other parts of the body.
The child should have the opportunity to improve these skills, creating different combinations of already known elements or reinventing other ways of using the materials.
Composed of 152 elements.
This kit includes:
- 4 cones 50 cm high
- 4 cones 30 cm high
- 8 round bases 21.5 cm - height 20 cm
- 4 arches (Ø 38.5cm)
- 4 arches (Ø 59 cm)
- 4 arches (Ø 77.5 cm)
- 4 plates 15x81.5 cm
- 8 bricks 15x15 cm - height 9.5 cm
- 8 bricks 15x36 cm - height 9.5 cm
- 8 Sticks 40.5 cm long
- 8 Sticks 70.5 cm long
- 8 Sticks 98.5 cm long
- 12 feet (6 pairs)
- 12 hands (6 pairs)
- 20 colored connectors
- 24 black clamps/connectors
- 8 blue tweezers