Saiba como estimular a motricidade fina da criança

Learn how to stimulate your child's fine motor skills

Playing is one of the most important activities for a child's integral development, which is why the act of playing must be valued and understood by parents, educators and teachers.

Through play, children explore, discover, interpret and understand the world around them and, in this way, discover themselves.

It is through the movements they perform, the stimuli and the interaction with different materials that the child improves many of their abilities, namely:

In fact, games, in addition to promoting socialization, language and communication, allow the development of children's psychomotor skills, but also creativity, imagination, autonomy, self-esteem and self-confidence.

Games allow the development of fine motor skills and help to:

Discover different ways to develop fine motor skills

In the article The Development of Children's Fine Motor Skills , we define fine motor skills as the ability to use the small muscles of our body in an effective, precise and controlled manner – particularly the muscles of the hand and fingers – thus producing specific movements that facilitate the performance of everyday tasks, such as dressing/undressing, buttoning, tightening laces, opening and closing a zipper, tying knots, brushing teeth, writing, painting and cutting out. These skills require muscle control, but also coordination between our body and brain – hand-eye coordination.

A child's motor coordination should be stimulated and trained from a very early age. Therefore, we will present some images with specific, fun and meaningful activities, which certainly have an impact on the development of fine motor skills.

All of these activities help to strengthen the small muscles and train the eyes and hands to work together, thus making it easier to perform important tasks in our daily lives. These activities are also important for completing school tasks, particularly for acquiring pre-writing and writing skills.


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